SUN Shiyu

Researcher SUN ShiyuSpecially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

SUN Shiyu
Specially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Fields Family Sociology, Gender Sociology
  • Ambitious Special Assistant Prof.
  • FY2022

Research Outline

As more women working with younger children, the division of household labor and childcare in the home becomes more challenging than ever before. Even in “dual-income” families, which are generally considered to have a high degree of equality, previous studies have shown that only childless couples form equal role relationships that are not defined by the traditional gender division of labor.
My research aims to empirically clarify what happens to the division and coordination of housework and childcare in dual-income couples as they experience the birth and growth of their child together. The research is conducted on both husbands and wives in the East Asian families. I analyze the marital relationship from the perspective of power and examine family vulnerability through “unexpected incidents” such as the spread of Coronas.
My research interests include “examination of the characteristics of domestic labor” , “flexible and coordinated division”, “family form and function”, and “gender & care”. With issues such as the declining birthrate, aging population, “family breakdown” and gender inequality in the division of roles being pointed out, we are trying to interrogate the politics of the family and come up with a way to break out of it.