HATA Shuntaro

Researcher HATA ShuntaroSpecially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

HATA Shuntaro
Specially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Fields Glaciology, Satellite remote sensing
  • Ambitious Special Assistant Prof.
  • FY2023

Research Outline

Glacier is ice-mass formed by accumulated snow, among them, largest-scale glaciers covering continents are called as ice sheet. Such glaciers and ice sheets are losing ice due to the recent global warming, which affects human activities worldwide: e.g., changes coastal environments by global sea level rise, reduction in freshwater resources, elevate risks of mountain hazards as glacial lake outburst floods. Glaciers are affected not only by changes in climate but also by complex processes, therefore, revealing the mechanism by precise observations is essential. I am tackling to better understand the change mechanism of glaciers and ice sheets by several types of satellite observations which open data is undergoing in recent years, and detail field observations.