Researcher TOYOHARA RyotaSpecially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Specially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Fields Biomechanics
  • Ambitious Special Assistant Prof.
  • FY2023

Research Outline

Sacroiliac joints (SIJs) are located between sacra and ilia in human pelves. Surrounding ligaments strongly support SIJs, making the joint relatively less mobile. Unexpected forces or repeated impacts can cause joint misalignment, leading to pain (SIJ dysfunction). This disease is considered to account for approximately 30% of symptoms in patients with low back pain. Many people are potentially suffering from SIJ dysfunction.
My research purposes are to clarify onset mechanism of SIJ dysfunction and to develop effective treatments from the perspective of mechanical environment. Recently, I have focused on the morphological characteristics of SIJs and have investigated the relationship between the articular surface and the mechanical environment of SIJs. In addition, we develop chairs without causing pain by visualization of pelvic stress environment during sitting.