Researcher NAKAMURA RyotaSpecially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Specially-Appointed Asst. Prof.

Fields Agricultural Development Economics
  • Ambitious Special Assistant Prof.
  • FY2024

Research Outline

Despite the increase in food production, malnutrition such as chronic hunger, obesity and micronutrient deficiencies is still a major problem in the world. Malnutrition is particularly severe in developing countries. Since food consumption is determined by food prices, household income, and socioeconomic factors, economic analysis is important to solve nutrition problems.
Currently, we are studying the impact of natural disasters on farmer’s food and nutrition in Nepal and Zambia. While farmers in developing countries are affected by various risks, their access to social security is limited. By identifying risks in rural areas and analyzing the factors affecting nutritional status, we aim to clarify effective coping strategies against disasters.